Writing Spider

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement

Writing Spider

Large with bright yellow markings, the writing spider makes you notice her. She makes an impressive web which contains zig-zag lines that have a slight resemblance to writing, hence the name. I doubt anyone could really make out individual letters in a web, but a legend persists that they write the name of someone who will die soon. They tend to build their web and wait patiently for their dinner to fall into it, allowing one to see a writing spider day after day. They are interesting creatures in spite of the superstition that has grown up around them.


While misunderstanding the nature of a writing spider brings unnecessary fear, it also may cheat a person from enjoying a creature of nature. More seriously, misunderstanding the nature of God results in withdrawing from seeking after him and a person is cheated of a close, loving relationship. The concept that God is only an angry judge waiting to punish his creation prevents a person from drawing close to our kind and loving God. Many depictions of God are fraught with misunderstanding from people who make Him small and vindictive. His love is so great we can’t grasp the fullness of it. Ephesians 3:18 (You)‘may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.’ God, keep us grounded in Your love. May we always feel assured of His love.



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