

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement


Quiet doesn’t belong in the same sentence as preschoolers. I smile when I hear a mother remind a little one to use an indoor voice.  Many a two year old hasn’t discovered what their inside voice is, let alone remember to use it in the presence of excitement. Shrieks of laughter reflect happy togetherness albeit loud happiness. Shouts go with exciting play. Wails often follow falls and bumps. Sobs accompany hurt feelings. Noise is an expected part of gathering little children together. Noise follows a child engaged in relating to others, of a developing personality discovering how to interact. Noise is also a sign of life. It is good.


Noise is part of a mother’s daily life. If we are tolerant with children because they are learning how to behave and relate to others, how much more is God patient with us when we feel like shrieking with delight, shouting with surprise, wailing in disappointment, or sobbing from hurt. Even if we’ve learned to suppress our responses, to silence our reactions, God sees and understands them. We, moms, want our children to feel safe, telling us what is on their hearts and mind. Likewise, it is safe to talk to God about our feelings and reactions. He knows them anyway. We relieve stress in our lives when we learn how to give vent to our feelings in a safe way—no doubt one reason behind the popularity of sports and exercise. God doesn’t mind our putting our feelings into words to Him. When we follow that with putting God in charge of them and asking His help to corral our expressions of them in safe and non hurtful ways, we experience the blessing of quiet souls.

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