Magnificent Elephants

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement

Magnificent Elephants

            What is there about an Elephant that endears them to humans? We are awed with their immense size. We are intrigued with their swinging trunk and its flexibility to perform many tasks. Their enormous ears amuse us. We can even envy their tough hide, although I doubt any women wants their skin. We enjoy their lumbering stride as they move about with leisure. We read about their great memory and their amazing loyalty to their own species as well as their ability to bond with people. The Elephant in the wild can upend great trees as well as run and cover ground at a rapid rate. Their enormous feet make us respect them. All other animals respect the Elephant’s size and power. Only a pack of lions would take on an Elephant and then not in open space, only in a confined area such as a forest. An angry elephant is terrifying.


What can I learn from an elephant? I could benefit from a tough hide for my emotions. Then I wouldn’t take offense easily, and I could ignore insults. I could remain flexible when I approach my tasks, allowing me to find ways to accomplish responsibilities more efficiently. We can develop the elephant’s loyalty. We can choose to remember the good in people. We can conduct ourselves so that we win respect not for our size and power like the elephant, but because we live close to the heart of God Whose power is larger, more encompassing than an elephant or any natural force. Our God is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving beyond any comparison. God is awesome! We are well advised to give Him glory.


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