Delicious Food

One expects to find yummy food in famous restaurants, magnificent hotel eateries, or even our talented Aunt’s house. But who expects to encounter food that delights the tastebuds as a patient in a hospital? Not many, I’ll wager. Over the years Hospital food has been the burnt of jokes; however, our community has a hospital that defies the common belief of bad hospital food. Maybe we have more than one hospital that serves good food, but we want to proclaim the gastric delights of the one where we celebrated New Years Eve. Delicious, yummy, tasty all are accurate descriptions of the food this Hospital served our relative. And not just one meal, but six days’ worth of meals. Great food was an unexpected blessing. Great nurses and resolutions of physical problems also blessed this hospital stay. Now isn’t that an excellent result for the beginning of a New Year?

I want to give to credit for all these pleasant touches that colored an unexpected and untimely hospital stay. “God is great, and God is good, and we thank him for our food.” So goes the blessing we learn to pronounce over our food when we are little. If we were fortunate, we learned to pray over whatever meal we had wherever we receive it. The fact that many others were praying for the patient during this hospital stay played a big part in a very good experience. Prayer is not a little thing, it can play an immense role in our lives and the lives of others.  It is not so much whether the words we use are clever or simple, it is more the plea of a caring heart to a God in whom we believe on behalf of someone who has a need, be it large or small.  It is always a blessing to someone when we pray for them. We don’t need to see it or to understand it, we merely enjoy the privilege of uttering earnest, caring prayers whenever we perceive a need. We may never know the unexpected results of our prayers, but God hears and responds in His magnificent ways, regardless of our perceptions or our ideas of timing. Turn the needs you perceive to God.   

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