
Mary’s Monday Musing to Quilt Encouragement


When I visit the Jamestown ship, the Susan Constant, which sailed from England to land in the wilderness of Virginia, I never fail to marvel at the courage of those who left the security of a known life style for the uncertainty of how they would secure the basic necessities. The 116 foot ship bobbed over the ocean for four months with seventy-one passengers crammed into the cramped spaces. I would hesitate to travel to the Bahamas on that  little ship, let alone across the Atlantic. In May of 1607 when they disembarked on mosquito infested land, the hardships of starvation, and death challenged them. They continued to worship God in the midst of their difficulties and even built a church where they sought God’s direction in the midst of their trials. Ultimately the settlement prevailed.


Today people involved in some industries can feel as tossed as those explorers on the tiny Susan Constant. Writers and retailers of physical books produced on paper are among those industries where technological advances have produced the equivalent of stormy seas and unknown terrain. Other industries as well require nimble adjustments to survive change. When we visit  historical sites, we often discover the common thread of praising God in the midst of challenging situations. Those of us in industries that roll and pitch in our times, can copy our ancestors and keep a thankful spirit toward God. He is able to help us negotiate the uncharted seas. His love is greater than turbulence that tosses us around. Cling to His love and watch for his guidance and peace. Psalm 31:3, ‘For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me and guide me.’ Thank you, God, that you care about the details of our lives.


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