Baby Eyes

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Baby Eyes

Don’t you wonder what is going on in the mind of a tiny baby when they fasten their wide-eyed stare on you? I think there’s a lot more than we realize going on in that little brain. Those tiny little ones develop so fast. How quickly they reach toward objects. In weeks, they are trying to roll. They absorb and acquire a huge amount of knowledge about their surroundings with amazing speed. They can tell the difference when a stranger holds them instead of Mom or Dad. They haven’t yet gained the muscle development to talk nor the vocabulary to let us know their thinking or impressions, but a lot is taking place behind those bright eyes. Ah, would that we could learn as fast as newborns.

Coming to us straight from the arms of God, I suspect tiny babies have a wonderful capacity to sense the reality of God. It’s fun to consider what they could tell us if they could talk right after their birth. What a privilege to cuddle a new born so fresh to this world. The possibilities for these tiny tots are limitless. Usually the messiness of living in this world hasn’t imposed problems yet. Praying for a newborn’s future is a special honor. It is our privilege to pray for these little ones to come to love God as they develop. It is our delight to pray that they grasp and maintain a sense of God’s presence all the days of their lives. Watching the development of a baby gives us a glimpse into the heart of God. The love we experience, the joy we feel as we see the infant change day by day provides us with a hint of God’s pleasure in us, His creation. He wants good for this child as much as we do. He wants good for us adults also. Thank God for his interest in us.

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