Babies, Children and Beyond

Thanksgiving was filled with three babies, a two-year-old as well as eight older children.  What fun. What noise. What a privilege to be with each one. How gratifying to see the levels of civilization played out right in front of us.  The babies cried at whatever displeased them. The two-year-old pouted. The 4-, 5-, and 6-year-olds tattled when they were displeased with each other, the exact responses normal for their ages. But the older group displayed a maturity that gratified our souls. Loving parenting combined with the natural process of growing older has its rewards in the long run! Love, holding up consistent goals, and parental instruction often work together to produce loveable, pleasing young people that make us proud. Parenting is quite a challenge and a skill. When and how to correct, when to overlook, what to ignore, how to achieve the end result — a person others will enjoy. Determining when to give a firm, “No”, when instruction is needed, or when to hold our tongue is tricky. All the time praying for God’s help is paramount.  Parenting is quite an intricate dance.

We took delight in each one we were privileged to spend time with at whatever stage they were in which made me think of our Heavenly Father. He must delight in each of His creations. He knows just what we need to become the person who can withstand whatever life throws at us. Just like we smiled and cuddled the crying babies, God knows when and how to encourage and sooth us, Just as we overlook or distract and steer two year olds, He know when to restrict or corral us adults. Just as we watched the parents help their youngsters have patience with one another, God  knows exactly what we need in our lives to form us into people who can endure,  and excel in what He calls us to do.

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