A Modern Technology Post

My children went together to give me a marvelous gift—a digital picture frame. With great grandchildren scattered from a western state to the mid-west as well as the deep south and coastal Mid Atlantic, I love the pleasure of seeing their dear faces and activities.  From baby coos to tricycle antics and horseback lessons, I can watch these far away family members as they grow and develop their personality and pursue their activities. This marvelous gadget rotates pictures of smiles, grimaces and activities that are big enough for old eyes to enjoy. Just a generation ago, grandparents were limited to slow mail which might sometimes contain a static, grainy picture at best. Digital picture frames help us keep up with interests and talents despite great distances. From the sound of a grandchild singing a lullaby to a great grandchild we haven’t yet met, to hearing the chortle of a 5 month old, to the privilege of seeing a young girl perched on a horse, we can keep up. We love the sight of first steps, a boy with a baseball bat ready to swing, the sound of the first coos. Keeping up with our large, scattered family gladdens our hearts.

Does God enjoy our efforts to communicate with Him? Do our simple attempts to talk to God and draw close to Him bring Him pleasure and delight? I suggest that His love for the people He created. and His delight is even greater than our joy in connection with our families. Whenever we talk with Him, whenever we make efforts to connect with our God, we draw greater understanding and comprehension of the magnificent love of God. Contrary to our digital screens, we can connect and communicate with our God even when the electric power is out.

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