Shem, Ham, Japheth

Mary’s Monday Musing’s to Quilt Encouragement

Shem, Ham and Japheth


A cruise ship is fun, but I wouldn’t want to spend a year on it. Oh, it provides good food, interesting activities, opportunities to relax, meet new people, and learn new things. But the only time we went on a cruise, I was glad to exchange my ‘sea legs’ for dry land. Glad to expand our view from sea and sky to solid buildings when the cruise ended.


Imagine what a year on Noah’s Ark was like for Noah’s sons and daughters-in-law. I wonder how well the brothers got along, not to mention their three wives. Next, throw Noah and his wife in the mix with their three grown sons. How well did the women know one another before the door closed behind them on the Ark. Of course, they probably worked together during the long years of constructing the Ark. But I would guess the fact they couldn’t get off at will and the world beyond their ship was dying added some additional stress. Someone probably had  to assign chores to insure all the necessary jobs of feeding themselves and caring for the animals and their vessel took place. The thought provoking Ark, built near Williamstown, Kentucky, suggests some of the pastimes they may have pursued. But I wondered did they bicker over chores? Did they feel fear? Did they long for dry land? I’m guessing their relationship with God grew more intense as the days went on.


What do we do when we are caught up in the humdrum of routine? Pick up the phone? Check out Face book? Text someone?  None of those options were available. By simply boarding the Ark they were throwing themselves on the mercy of God. I imagine they spent great chunks of time worshipping God and asking His help with relationships each day. As we live out our days on the ark of what comprises our lives, let’s remember to worship God and consult Him for harmonious relationships with those He puts in our world.


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