Outdated Encyclopedias

Cell phones, and other fact-finding technical methods can provide almost any type of knowledge we want. Technical advances have made such things as encyclopedias nearly obsolete. Finding the answer to questions can be easily and quickly done on our phones and computers. So, the series of big, thick books called encyclopedias which contain great quantities of information  are out of favor. First, they take up a lot of bookshelf space, and, secondly, they can’t keep up with new information that makes some of their old information out dated. To our surprise, artists have found a new use for these old, dusty volumes. One artist, Guy Laramee’s display at our local art museum’s paper art show demonstrated ingenuity. One room’s contents consisted of old reference books of many types, which were glued together and then carved to resemble a scene of some sort. Some depicted mountains, others ocean waves and still more were cut out to resemble Greek temples complete with Greek columns.

I was amazed at this concept for repurposing old books and intrigued by the mind that figured out the art form. If we turn our minds to God and ask Him to guide our thoughts and actions, who knows what He might lead us to do. Keeping our hearts and minds open to His ideas, might lead us to beautiful as well as surprising ideas.

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