

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement


My mother could take a sickly plant and nurse it back to health. My granddaughter can take a blank piece of paper and paint inspiring scripture art on it. My friend can take a grief-stricken person and bring life-changing comfort. When our God took His broken Son and resurrected Him from the dead, He resurrected hope in a broken world.


Easter brings a joy so great we are challenged to communicate it adequately. God intervened on our Earth and supplied a way to overcome our self-centered natures and ultimately join the fellowship of the saints worshipping Him eternally in Heaven. We rejoice to contemplate such a miracle. Our joy overflows the confines of Easter week, allowing us to participate in small reminders of this miracle of all miracles every time we use His love to convey a tiny resurrection of hope in someone’s heart. God, please help us use our lives to spread Your love and hope.


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