Precious Gift

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement

A Precious Gift

In between snow storms, we drove to New Jersey for the funeral of my sister-in-law. She was as dear as a sister to me. Because of the distance from Virginia to New Jersey, our telephone calls had to suffice much of the time. I shall miss our long talks. In addition to all her other lovely, admirable qualities, I could always count on Betsi to listen, really listen. She listened with a caring heart. It mattered to her what I had to say. From the mundane observations to trivial topics as well as the things which gripped my heart in despair, delight. or worry, she listened with a caring heart. Although my house is full of her thoughtful, perfect gifts, carefully chosen to delight me, her best gift was her listening ear. She cared about what touched me which translated into listening with love.


Listening with love. a precious gift to give. It is wrapped in focused attention because of sincere interest in whatever touches another. Its price is thoughtful response to what is said. It isn’t always available from others in this busy, distracting world, nor easy to give; but God is a perfect listener. His listening ear is always available. His love is without bounds. He listens from His complete understanding of our innermost being. Whether we speak to Him in grief, in anger, or in joy, He hears and cares about what we say. Whether or not we listen for His response or are able to understand it right away, He cares. Let’s talk to Him about becoming a better listener. And then, of course, listen for His answers.

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