Pick Yourself Up


Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement

Pick Yourself Up

The one year old was just learning to walk several steps at a time when she visited the beach. There the sand shifted under her little feet, and she plopped down over and over again.  But because of the delight of independent mobility she pushed herself up time and time again. After several days she had mastered the skill of balancing herself on an uneven, moving surface. As a result she scampered over the solid wood floors of the beach cottage better than ever before. She was off and running to explore her world.


How many times does something happen in our lives that seems to unsettle something we are attempting to do and set us back? How often if we persist in spite of the hindrances do we master the skills required to perform the new task? Watching a one year old learning to walk bolsters our determination to pick ourselves up again and again no matter how many times we stumble and fall. If a one year old can keep on trying until walking is second nature, we, too, can pick ourselves over and over when we fall. The rewards of persistence can bring as great accomplishment as walking to a one year old.

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