Mountains and Molehills










Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement
Mountains and Molehills

“Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.” I heard that well-known maxim from my mother whenever I was bent out of shape over something she deemed unworthy of the reaction I exhibited. At some stage of my growing up, I grasped the meaning she intended. We encounter enough genuine mountains in life that hinder our pathway to a healthy mental or physical state without us adding to the problems in our life. When we magnify the importance of a smaller difficulty, we give it power to inflict consequences upon us far beyond the effect innately in the molehill. Mountains necessitate us finding a way away around the obstacle or a tunnel through the problem in order to keep our life path on a beneficial course. With molehills, we can simply choose to step over them. For example, the molehill of missing the Senior prom is not likely to prevent us from ever finding happiness in life. However, to a High School Senior, not attending this important event can quickly mushroom into feeling like a complete social failure. Learning to distinguish when something seems dreadfully important at the moment from what won’t cause life-shattering results is a skill that brings us peace and prevents us from overreacting.

We never grow too old to find ourselves in situations where we need to ask ourselves this question, ‘How much does this matter in the whole scheme of my entire world?’ Many an argument, many an offense, many a worry can be disarmed and prevented with this question. This query can prevent much impatience, many hasty words, and bouts of anger. God help us remember to turn to you before reacting in upsetting situations. “God, where on Your scale in the grand scheme for our life does this situation fall in Your eyes?’ Help us react accordingly.



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