
Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement


            If two or more very young children play together for any time at all, we are bound to hear an impassioned proclamation announcing, “Mine, that’s mine.” More often than not, these words are accompanied with grabbing, pushing, hitting, or all these actions at once. Really, ownership isn’t the problem, sharing is. Perhaps the altercation signals it’s time for the other child to have a turn at whatever is the activity of the moment. To prevent mayhem a nearby adult usually steps in and provides some insight on how to resolve the discord.


How often does a silent feeling of, ‘Mine, that’s mine,’ subtlety influence my actions or thinking? My money, my time, my desires. Perhaps more often than I even recognize let alone acknowledge. Of course, as adults, we don’t physically grab, push or hit, but subtle thinking sometimes achieves the same result, I keep what’s MINE safely to myself. Don’t we sometimes find it hard to spend our precious time to call, visit, serve others when our days seem crowded beyond reason? Isn’t it hard to use my money for someone else’s need or to provide someone a welcomed extra when my funds don’t seem to stretch over necessities? How often do I resist foregoing a desirable activity in order to allow someone else to enjoy it instead?


What is a healthy balance between the self-sacrifice of time, money and desires and meeting the needs of our immediate family and those outside? Every individual needs to determine that balance for themselves, making sure that prayer is part of our decisions. The bottom line is to distinguish between our will and God’s will, and make them agree–decision by decision. I think when we consciously attempt to consult God, He is faithful to teach us and guide us, and we don’t need to fret over our final choice. He knows our heart and will help us grow and think more like Him day by day and at His pace. In this Valentine season, stay alert for the intrusion of ‘mine’. Ask God to give every relationship the spirit of cooperation and sacrifice needed for harmony and thoughtfulness.

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