Lost Opportunities

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement

Lost Opportunities


The couple took a seat in a cozy booth in a nice restaurant right across from us. The husband settled down with a big smile and launched into an animated conversation, punctuated by enthusiastic gestures, and broad smiles. The wife didn’t smile. She put her cell phone under the table and focused on it, fingers flying over the screen. The Husband’s face fell, and he stopped talking. I have no idea what transpired before the couple sat near us. I don’t know if she was texting or looking up some information vital to their day. I do know they were losing a lovely opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and a warm time of communication at least for a time.


I didn’t know enough to make any kind of fair judgment about what was going on at the table across from us, but it did make me think about how our technological society offers plenty of temptations to elevate our gadgets over relationships. Yet it is our good, rich relationships with family, friends, co-workers that bring great, satisfying emotional happiness above what a machine can offer. Let’s discipline ourselves to place high value on face to face or voice to voice communication and sacrifice the technology when we are in a situation which offers opportunity for real life conversation with precious people.


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