Building Blocks

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement

Building Blocks

Most of us have built towers and attempted to build houses or castles from a set of building blocks. As a mother, I remember children’s tears when the tower fell, my annoyance when the box of blocks was dumped on the floor but never played with, the angst when one child built a lovely structure only to be demolished by a mischievous or careless sibling. Walking with family, we stopped at a window display of amazing structures built with a different kind of block sets. Inside, we smiled and laughed as the children plunged into creating grand structures with these delightful blocks, but we held our breath whenever an enthusiastic child got perilously close to one of the display constructions, fearing its demise.

This creative toy made us think of our creator, God. What amazing plans did He have when He carefully designed us in our mother’s womb? I can imagine Him cringing when we get too close to destroying some of the wonders He has planned for our lives. Does He grieve when we waste an opportunity to make something special out of our talents? I imagine he sweeps up the wreckage when we knock over something He wanted to build in us. I picture Him comforting us when our tower crumbles. Best of all, our God is able to take the blocks of our life, even the ones we have thrown aside, and build something of worth to us and those around us. When we mess up, His love, patience and creativity is everlasting. He doesn’t give up on us. He continues to build with us.

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