A Lump in the Throat

Mary’s Monday Musings to Quilt Encouragement

Lump in the Throat

The atmosphere was electric with pleased anticipation as we waited for the graduation procession to begin. We eagerly scanned the line for our granddaughter as the graduates marched in. Graduations bring happy emotions—pride, hope for the future, gratitude for the milestone attained. Brief explosions of congratulations burst out first here and then there around the stadium each time a student claimed his or her diploma. When a blind girl crossed the platform to graduate with honors, the entire audience joined in applause to recognize her wonderful  achievement. What an accomplishment of overcoming in the face of daunting handicaps. I’ll wager I wasn’t the only one with a lump in my throat at her remarkable feat.


Do you suppose that our heavenly Father experiences the lump-in-the-throat kind of pleasure when he sees us overcome the obstacles the world throws in our way? When we manage a loving response in a difficult situation? When we must maneuver around difficulties to accomplish a Godly goal? We can communicate our need for His help and rest assured that He applauds us in our efforts.

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